27 February 2011

My holiday greeting card with my line-direction board. Acrylics on watercolor paper for the finished product.

My apologies for the lack of updates over the last two days.

24 February 2011

Skull Mountain. This is the final version that went up for critique in my Digital Painting class. There's a handful of improvements that will be made to it, but I'm very pleased with what I've accomplished here. Created in Painter.

23 February 2011

This is an unfinished project from about half a year ago. I did this for an acquaintance's 'contest', mostly because I liked her characters, I'd win some DA points and I knew I'd have fun with it. I wasn't one of the winners (and the ones that did win made me scratch my head in confusion). It never got colored (which wasn't a requirement but it would have looked nicer) and I lost motivation in bothering since I didn't win. I'm interested in coloring it now, but since these aren't my characters, it may not be worth the time/effort as I can't use this for anything other than practice. We'll see.

22 February 2011

N.C. Wyeth mastercopy. This was a truncated version of the original illustration. Graphite, Charcoal and Acrylics on hot-press watercolor paper.

21 February 2011

I played a game with my friend today. We each took turns choosing a song to create 10 thumbnails to. It was mostly our reactions or how we felt about the song and its title, lyrics, sound and/or mood. These are the results.

This first set was done to this song: "Under Control" by System

Done to "I Am The Tower" by Mayhem

Done to "Jesus Christ Porno Star" by Chemlab

Done to "It's Murder" by Mayhem

20 February 2011

My version of Jack and The Beanstalk. Acrylics on hot-press watercolor paper.

19 February 2011

I'm dipping into posting some recent/older stuff while I'm working on larger projects.

Skatepark made in Illustrator with pen tool. It might look familiar to some of you.

17 February 2011

Having some fun in Geology class. Ball-point pen and some gray Copics.

16 February 2011

Experimenting with new watercolor pencils. I need to find something that'll work as a good undersketch tool.

15 February 2011

These were some of my very first explorations with Painter. Done very quickly one right after another.

14 February 2011

Comp for an icy cave. I like this one. I think it needs some tweaking to the floor to guide the viewer toward the light tunnel in the back. This one may get turned into a cleaned up, polished painting.

13 February 2011

Digital painting I did for a friend. Anthropomorphic stripper sloth, hahahaha. I started working on this after learning a bunch of shortcuts that could have made this piece a lot better and finished much sooner. Oh well, it was a good practice run and great fun to do.

Her character; My art. Corel Painter X.

12 February 2011

Another comp.

11 February 2011

Practice Painting Comps

I've been feeling more and more comfortable using Corel Painter. I'm messing around doing comps for ideas I've had in my head for ages.

This particular one I don't care for too much. Probably not gonna continue working on this one.


I'm resurrecting this blog to use as a daily sketch/art journal. My goal is a post-a-day with artistic updates. Wish me luck!